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Bridge: Defense at Trick One is really two books in one. It consists of 60 substantive defensive problems, many faced by experts in major events. The themes vary widely over the skills required of a superior defender, from delicate technique in very complex layouts to protecting partner from blundering. The challenge level is high. The reader can enjoy solving these problems independent of an interest in the theory of bridge defense.

At the same time, though, this is a theoretical work. I carry forward the argument that the historical trend toward the opening leader's giving count against suit contracts should be extended dramatically.

Bridge: Defense at Trick One is a reprint of Parity Leads in Defence. The earlier, hardbound version was published in Britain by Robert Hale (1994). There were no revisions, so if you have read the earlier version, you will gain nothing but pride of ownership by purchasing the paperbound American version published by Squeeze Books (2001).

I do not sell the book directly. Copies are available from Amazon.com.