
The Joy of Marital Swiss Teams Forum

Reader's Comments

1/25/2025: Wafik Abdou notes that if declarer on Board 2 held the king-doubleton of spades, it would mean that partner had led the
                     spade four from QJ94, a holding from which she surely would have led the queen. That rules out the alternative
                     I suggested you consider.

2/18/2025: Michael Kopera correctly challenges my statement in the Results section of Board 32, in which I assert that any
                     deviation from the path I
propose leads to down one. An alternative successful line after winning the heart king at trick
                     two is to lead a spade to the queen (it doesn't help West to rise), cash the diamond ace discarding a heart (or not, it can also
                     be done later), and finesse the club queen. When that wins, cash the club ace and cross-ruff. Michael's line works when West
                     has the spade ace and East has the club king, a layout consistent with the auction and the play to the first two tricks. If you
                     adopted it, award yourself North-South plus 620.